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'Green Tips'


1. You can squeeze one more use out of cash register   receipts before you recycle them-if the          backs are blank,   they make handy note papers. (old envelopes too!)

2. 'You must be the change you wish to see in the world'

    (Mohandas Gandhi)

3. If your toilet dates back further than the mid-1990's, it's probably wasting water every time          you use it. Those made since then are required by law, in many countries, to use just 1.6 gallons    a flush. If everyone replaces current toilets with today's low-flush types, billions of water could    be saved annually.

4. - look up

5.  - do you talk to your children, or children at church about the privilege of caring for creation? Encourage older children to read about the subject - maybe teachers could be encourage to include ecological issues in their curricula. But above all, show them by example how to reuse, recycle, reduce, refuse etc. - and care. (It could, of course be that your children are trying to get you to do these things!)

 6Review and re-think your shopping habits. Buy only what you REALLY need. When shopping try to take into account the energy consumption and life expectancy of the product.


7. Need a new cellphone? Discover the new FAIRPHONE!

  from the earth to your pocket, a smartphone's journey is filled with unfair practices. Fairphone believe a fairer electronics industry is possible. By making change from the inside, they're giving a voice to people who care.

Check out Fairphone on

8. Save trees!  Always try to print on both sides of the paper. Reuse any that's been printed on just ONE SIDE for notes and shopping lists.

9.  Go Compost crazy! Paper-based waste like EGG BOXES can be used on the compost heap, as well as all the usual fruit and veg peelings.

10. Baking tips: pre-heating the oven is often not necessary-except when baking bread when it is needed!

Don't open the oven door unnecessarily during use. 

Cooking on the stove, that lids should be used is clear but one can often turn the heat off early and finish cooking with the remaining heat or even warm something else with it. (doesn't apply to gas!)

Boiling water in the kettle is more efficient than in the saucepan. Try boiling water for pasta etc. in the kettle and then pouring into the saucepan. Saves time and electricity.

11.  All at the right time...

Tomatoes grown during the winter in greenhouses produce more than 100x greenhouse gases than those grown in season

Buying fruit and vegetables when they are season brings a 3-fold benefit: more flavour, healthier and good for the climate

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